1. Parliament (n.) -the only directly elected parliamentary institution of the European Union | 1. Парламент |
2. legislative(adj.) - The European Parliament will have greater legislative powers (= ability to make laws). | 2. Законодавен |
3. suffrage (n) - the right to vote in an election, esp. for representatives in a parliament or similar organization | 3. Право на глас |
4.a) treaty (n) b) treaty (with sb) (v) -a written agreement between two or more countries formally approved and signed by their leaders | 4. а) Договор б) Потпишува (договор со некој) |
5.a) budget = financial plan (n) b)budget (v) c) budget (adj) -a plan to show how much money an organization will earn and how much they will need or be able to spend | 5. а )Буџет, финансиски план б) економизира, планира в) евтин |
6.committee (n) -a small group of people chosen to represent a larger organization and either make decisions or gather information for it | 6. Комисија, одбор, комитет |
7. plenary (adj) - (of a meeting) having all the members of a group or organization present | 7. Пленарен |
8.de facto (adj) -existing in fact, although not necessarily intended, legal or accepted | 8. Де факто |
9. confer (v) -to exchange ideas on a particular subject, often with the intention of reaching a decision about what action to take | 9. Разговара, се договара, се советува, разменува мислење |
10. protocol (n) - the system of rules and acceptable behavior used at official ceremonies and occasions | 10. Протокол |
11. counterpart (n) - a person or thing which has the same purpose as another one in a different place or organization | 11. Дупликат, двојник, колега |
12. manner(n) - the way in which something is done | 12. Начин, начин на однесување |
13. by-election (n) - a special election which happens at a different time from a main election to choose a member of parliament or representative to replace one who has died or left their job | 13. Доплнителни избори (за испразнето пратеничко место) |
14. competence (n) - the ability to do something to a level that is acceptable | 14. Способност, компетентност, надлежност |
15.electorate (n) - The present voting system distorts the wishes of the electorate (= the people who are allowed to vote). | 15. Бирачи, избирачко тело, електорат |
16. amendment (n) - An amendment is sometimes a change to a law that is not yet in operation and is still being discussed by a parliament | 16. Амандман, измена |
17. veto (n) - refusal to allow something to be done | 17. Вето |
18. horse trading(n) -unofficial discussion intended to reach an agreement | 18. Вешто преговарање |
19. strip(sb or sth of ) - If you strip someone or something of a title, you remove it from them. | 19. Одзема, лишува (некому власт, чин, привилегии,сопственост) |
20. leeway (n) - freedom to act within particular limits | 20. Слобода (на делување, движење) |
21. amend (v) - to change the words of (esp. a law or a legal document) | 21. Доплнува, изменува, поправа, корегира |
22.simultaneous(adj) -happening or being done at exactly the same time | 22. Едновремен, истовремен |
23. chairperson = chairman/ chairwoman - a person in charge of a meeting or organization | 23. претседавач, претседател / претседавачка |
24. a) binding (adj) b)binding contract -(esp. of an agreement) which cannot be legally avoided or stopped | 24. а) обврзувачки,задолжителен б) договор што обврзува |
25. delegation (n) - A delegation = group of delegates | 25. делегација |
26. conference (n) - an event, sometimes lasting a few days, at which there are a group of talks on a particular subject, or a meeting in which esp. business matters are discussed formally | 26. Конференција, конгрес |
27. official (n) - An official is a person who has a position of responsibility in an organization. | 27. Службеник, чинивник, функционер |
28. bicameral (adj) - (of a government group) with two parts | 28. Дводомен |
22. Симона Лазаревска - PRODUCTION OF CHOCOLATE
1. Chocolate comprises a number of raw and processed foods that are produced from the seed of the tropical cacao tree. | Чоколадо |
2. Harvest оr harvesting the gathering of crops. | Жетва |
3. Pod a dehiscent fruit or pericarp having several seeds. | Мешунка |
4. Cacao Tree The tropical tree that produces cocoa beans. Its botanical name, Theobroma cacao, means “food of the gods.” | Какаово дрво |
5. Chocolate Liquor The liquid chocolate produced by grinding the cocoa nibs. It is the basic ingredient in all chocolate products. There is no alcohol in chocolate liquor | Чоколаден ликер |
6. Enrobing One of two chocolates-making techniques by taking the center of a certain chocolate or praline and covering it with a layer of outer chocolate by pouring liquid chocolate over it or by dipping the chocolate center by hand in liquid chocolate | Двојно чоколадирање, Вметнување на едно чоколадо во средината на друго чоколадо |
7. Moulding technique for making chocolate consists of placing chocolate in molds to obtain a molded chocolate "shell" that is then filled with one or several unique fillings before being seals with another layer of chocolate | Моделирање, Обликување, Калапење |
8. Tempering the process of bringing the chocolate to a certain temperature whereby the cocoa butter reaches its most stable crystal form | Калење, Да се доведе чоколадото до посакуван состав, цврстина... |
9. Vanillin A synthetic product that is meant to simulate the flavor and aroma of vanilla extract. Vanillin is often made from the byproducts of manufacturing processes | Ванилин |
10. Chocoholic A true chocolate lover who is addicted to chocolate and could not see life the same without chocolate | Чокохолик, Зависник од чоколадо |
11. Refining The process of removing the outer skins of cacao beans and leaving a nib | Прочистување, преработување |
12. Unsweetened Chocolate Chocolate that has no other added ingredients. This chocolate is mainly used for baking and contains up to 75% cocoa solids with no added sugar or milk products. Also known as baking chocolate, bitter chocolate or plain chocolate | Oбично чоколадо, Чоколадо за готвење |
13. BONBON or BON BON French for “good, good,” a hard shell of chocolate filled with a variety of centers. | Бонбона (чоколатце) |
14. Cotyledon - A leaf of the embryo of the cacao bean (or any seed plant).Also called seed leaf. | Котиледон |
15. Crushing After roasting, the beans are crushed into small particles. It is at this stage that blending occurs. | Ситнење, Гмечење (на какаото)/Кршење |
16. Mоcha the combination of chocolate and coffee flavors | Мока (тип на кафе) кафе со сладолед (americ.) |
17. Caramel Cooking sugar to the point where all the water has evaporated and the sugar begins to | Карамела |
18. Frosting Icing used on cakes and pastries, including buttercream, whipped cream and ganache | Прелив |
19. Gelatin A flavorless and odorless powder or sheet that is made from the bones of animals used as a thickener and setting agent | Желатин |
20. Stir move an implement round and round in to mix it thoroughly | Мешање |
21. Grinding the process by which cocoa nibs are ground into " cocoa liquor" | Мелење Дробење |
22. White Chocolate is made from cocoa butter, milk, sugar and vanilla.It isn’t considered real chocolate, because although it has cocoa butter | Бело чоколадо |
23. Consistency a degree of density, firmness, viscosity | Состав, цврстина, конзистенција, густина |
24. Chocolate mousse Melted chocolate is mixed with stiffly beaten egg whites and whipped cream to create a fluffy, light dessert. | Чоколадна пенеста крема |
25. Chocolate Nib The “meat” of the cocoa bean remaining when the shell is removed in the chocolate production process | Чоколадно семе, “Мевце„ “Срцевина„ |
26. Côte d'Ivoire or Ivory Coast | Брегот на Слоновата Коска |
1. politics (n) * the way that countries are governed and make their rules and laws | politika |
2. politician (n) * a person who is active in politics | politi~ar |
3. legislature (n) * the branch of government having the power to make laws | zakonodavno telo; zakonodavna vlast; zakonodavec |
4. parliament (n) * a legislative body | parlament, sobranie |
5. assembly (n) * a group of people gathered together, usually for a particular purpose (political) | sobranie, zasedanie za zakonodavnoto telo |
6. executive (n) * the branch of government having the power to carry out (execute) the laws | izvr{na vlast |
7. government (n) * an executive body (group of people who has the power to rule in a territory) | vlada, oblik na upravuvawe, vlast |
8. judiciary (n) * the system of courts of justice | sudstvo |
9. court (n) * a judicial body (a place where justice is administrated) | sud, sudii; sudska rasprava, zgrada na sudot |
10. law (n) * a system of rules, principles and regulations | zakon, propis; pravo, pravni nauki |
11. police/police force (n) * an organized civil force for maintaining order, preventing and detecting crime | policija |
12. diplomat (n) * a person who communicates with the governments of other countries by having meetings | diplomat |
13. military/military force (n) * the armed forces that protect the country | vojska |
14. army (n) * a large body of people trained and armed for war | armija, voena armija |
15. Prime Minister (PM) (n) * the leader of a government | premier |
16. minister (n) * member of a government | minister |
17. democracy (n) * a government by the people where everyone can give his/her vote during elections for a political party they prefer | demokratija |
18. monarchy (n) * a government ruled by a monarch ( a king / a queen) who inherits their position from their family | monarhija |
19. constitution (n) * a written document appealed as a highest law of a country | ustav, dr`avno ureduvawe |
20. aristocracy (n) * a government by the best people | aristokratija |
21. dictatorship (n) * a government run by one person who has absolute power | diktatura, diktatorstvo |
22. oligarchy (n) *a government ruled by a small group of powerful individuals | oligarhija |
23. president (n) * the leader of a country | pretsedatel |
24. political party (n) * an organized group of voters | politi~ka partija |
25. opposition (n) * the second largest political party | opozicija |
26. coalition (n) * a joint of two or more political parties | koalicija |
27. ideology (n) * a set of ideas and beliefs | ideologija |
24. Тамара Младеновска - AIR POLLUTION
| | |
| Abatement The reduction or elimination of pollution. | Namaluvawe (redukcija) na zagaduvawe |
| Acid rain Rain which is especially acidic. Principle components of acid rain typically include nitric and sulphuric acid. | Kisel do`d |
| Aerosol Particles of solid or liquid water that can remain suspended in air form a few minutes to many months depending on the particle size and weight. | Aerosol |
| Air So called “pure” air is a mixture of gases containing about 78% hydrogen, 21% oxygen, less than 1% of carbon dioxide, argon and other gases and varying amounts of water vapour. | Vozduh |
| Air Monitoring Sampling for and measuring of pollutants present in the atmosphere. | Monitoring na vozduhot |
| Ammonia (NH3) A pungent colourless gaseous compound of hydrogen and nitrogen that is very soluble in water and can easily be condensed into a liquid by cold and pressure. | Amonijak |
| Atmosphere The gaseous mass or envelope of air surrounding the Earth | Atmosfera |
| Carbon Dioxide (CO2) A colourless, odourless gas that occurs naturally in the Earth’s atmosphere. | Jaglerod dioksid |
| Contaminant A substance that is chemical, biological, physical or radiological that has a negative effect on the earth, land, air and water | Zagaduva~ |
| Carbon monoxide (CO) Odourless, but poisonous combustible gas with the formula CO. | Jaglerod monoksid |
| Combustion air Air that provides the necessary oxygen for complete, clean combustion and maximum heating value. | Sogoruva~ki vozduh |
| Dust Solid particulate matter that can become airborne. | Prav |
| Ecology The interrelationship of organisms and their environment and the science that is concerned with that interrelationship. | Ekologija |
| Emission Release of pollutants into the air from a source. | Emisija (ispu{tawe na zagaduva~ki materii) |
| Global warming An increase in the temperature of the Earth’s troposphere. | Globalno zatopluvawe |
| Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) Colourless, flammable, poisonous compound having a characteristic rotten-egg odour. | Vodorod sulfid |
| Inert gas A gas that does not react with the substances coming in contact with it. | Inerten gas |
| Mobile sources Sources of air pollution such as automobiles, motorcycles, tracks, off-road vehicles, boats and airplanes. | Podvi`ni izvori |
| Ozone A strong smelling, pale blue reactive toxic chemical gas consisting of three oxygen atoms. A major component of smog which is a criteria air pollutant. | Ozon |
| Ozone hole Thin place in the ozone layer located in the stratosphere high above the earth | Ozonska dupka |
| Pollutant Something that contaminates an environment, especially with man-made waste. | Zagaduva~ |
| Radiant energy Energy that transmits away from its source in a direction. | Radijacija |
| Smog A combination of smoke and other particulates, ozone, hydrocarbons, nitrogen, oxides, which under certain conditions of weather and sunlight may result in a murky brown haze that cause adverse health effects. | Smog |
| Smoke A form of air pollution consisting primarily of particulate matter. Sources of smoke may include fossil fuel combustion, agricultural burning and other combustion processes | ^ad |
| Scrubber An air pollution control device that uses a high energy liquid spray to remove aerosol and gaseous pollutants from an air stream. | Filter (pro~istuva~) na gas |
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