| English | Macedonian |
1. | Greenhouse effect The effect produced as greenhouse gases allow incoming solar radiation to pass through the Earth’s atmosphere, but prevent most of the outgoing infra-red radiation from the surface and lower atmosphere from escaping into outer space. | Eфект на стаклена градина |
2. | Aerosols Particles of matter, solid or liquid, larger than a molecule but small enough to remain suspended in the atmosphere. | Аеросоли |
3. | Emission The release of a substance (usually a gas when referring to the subject of climate change) into the atmosphere. | Eмисиja |
4. | Тrace gases Any one of the less common gases found in the Earth’s atmosphere. Such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, ozone etc. | Гасови во траги |
5. | Carbon cycle The global scale exchange of carbon among its reservoirs, namely the atmosphere, oceans, vegetation, soils, and geologic deposits and minerals. | Јагленов циклус |
6. | Evapotranspiration The sum of evaporation and plant transpiration. The amount of water that could be evaporated or transpired at a given temperature and humidity, if there was plenty of water available. | Испарување, изветрување на водата. |
7. | Fossil fuel A general term for combustible geologic deposits of carbon in reduced (organic) form and of biological origin ,including coal, oil, natural gas, oil shеlls, and tar sands. | Фосилно гориво |
8. | Global warming An increase in the near surface temperature of the Earth. | Глобално затоплување |
9. | Water vapor The most abundant greenhouse gas, it is the water present in the atmosphere in gaseous form. | Водена пареа |
10. | Biomass energy Energy produced by combusting renewable biomass materials such as wood. | Енергија на биомаса. |
11. | Acid rains Also known as “acid deposition”. Acidic aerosols in the atmosphere are removed from the atmosphere by wet or dry deposition. | Кисели дождови |
12. | Combustion Chemical oxidation accompanied by the generation of light and heat. | Согорување |
13. | Greenhouse gas Any gas that absorbs infra-red radiation in the atmosphere. | Гас кој впива (апсорбира) инфрацрвено зрачење во атмосферата/Гас кој создава ефект на стаклена градина (јаглерод диоксид, метан и тн.) |
14. | Reforestation Replanting of forests on lands that have recently been harvested. | Пошумување |
15. | Terrestrial radiation The total infrared radiation emitted by the Earth and its atmospherere in the temperature range of approximately 200 to 300 Kelvin. | Зрачење на земјата |
16. | Biofuel Gas or liquid fuel made from plant material (biomass). | Биолошко гориво |
17. | Solar radiation Energy from the sun; of importance to the climate system, solar radiation includes ultra violet radiation, and infrared radiation. | Сончева енергија |
18. | Carbon dioxide A colorless, non- poisonous gas that is a product of fossil fuel combustion and contributes to the potential of global warming. | Јаглерод диоксид |
19. | Cap and trade Also known as emissions trading, C&T is a period when a government or international body sets a limit (i.e. the cap) on the amount of certain greenhouse gases that can be emitted. | Приод кој се користи со цел да се контролира загадувањето и постигнување на редукција на емисиите на загадувачите. |
20. | Troposphere The region of the Earth’s atmosphere 0-10 above the planet’s surface. | Тропосфера |
21. | Storm surge A rise in sea-level accompanying a hurricane or other intense storm. | Бура, луња |
22. | Climate system (or Earth system) The five physical components (atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere and biosphere) that are responsible for the climate and its variations. | Земјен климатски систем |
23. | Glacier A large, slow-moving mass of ice, formed from compacted layers of snow that slowly deforms and flows in response to gravity and high pressure. | Глечер |
24. | Sequestration The process of absorbing carbon dioxide out of the air through the process of photosynthesis. | Секвестрација (прочистување на воздухот) |
25. | IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change | Меѓувладина комисија за климатски промени. |
5. Бранкица Димовска – DIABETES
1 | Endocrinology The field of medicine that deals with disorders of endocrine glands | Endokrinologija |
2 | Endocrine system The main system that coordinates the chemicals that are produced by our body and control certain functions | Endokrin sistem Sistem za la~ewe |
3 | Diabetes Mellitus Sometimes called "sugar diabetes" is a condition that occurs when the body can't use glucose (a type of sugar) normally | Dijabetes [e}erna bolest |
4 | Hormones Chemical substances that act like messenger molecules in the body. After being made in one part of the body, they travel to other parts of the body where they help control how cells and organs do their work | Hormoni |
5 | Glands A group of cells that produces and secretes, or gives off, chemicals | @lezdi |
6 | Exocrine glands Glands that release secretions in the skin or inside the mouth, such as the sweat and salivary glands | Egzokriни `lezdи, жлезди со надворешно лачење |
7 | Endocrine glands Glands that release hormones directly into the bloodstream where they can be transported to cells in other parts of the body | Endokrinи `lezdи, жлезди со внатрешно лачење |
8 | Hypothalamus A collection of specialized cells that is located in the lower central part of the brain and is the main link between the endocrine and nervous systems | Hipotalamus |
9 | Pituitary gland The most important gland that produce and secretes hormones, located beneath the hypothalamus | Hipofiza Pituitarna `lezda |
10 | Thyroid A gland that is located in the front part of the lower neck and produces the thyroid hormones | [titna `lezda |
11 | Parathyroid Four tiny glands that function together and release hormone, which regulates the level of calcium in the blood | |
12 | Adrenal glands Two triangular glands, one on top of each kidney. These glands produce the hormone epinephrine - adrenaline | Nadbubre`ni `lezdi |
13 | Pineal body Located in the middle of the brain, this gland secretes hormones which regulates the growth of the ovaries and testes | Epifiza Nadmozo~na ili pinealna `lezda |
14 | Ovaries Female gonads – the main source of sex hormones, which produce eggs and secrete the female hormones | Jajnici |
15 | Testes, testicles Male gonads, located in the scrotum, which produce male hormones | Testisi |
16 | Pancreas An organ that is associated with the digestive system because it produces and secretes digestive enzymes. It also produces insulin and glucagon | Pankreas |
17 | Insulin A hormone that is secreted by the pancreas and lowers the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood | Insulin |
18 | Glucagon A hormone that is secreted by the pancreas and raises the level of glucose (a type of sugar) in the blood | Glukagon |
19 | Glucose Glucose is the main type of sugar in the blood and is the major source of energy for the body's cells. Glucose comes from the foods we eat or the body can make it from other substances. | Glukoza, шеќер |
20 | Beta cells Make insulin and are found in the pancreas within clusters of cells known as islets. | Beta kletki |
21 | Hypoglycemia Occurs when the level of glucose in the blood is lower than it should be | Hipoglikemija, Niско ниво на {e}er vo krvta |
22 | Hyperglycemia Occurs when the level of glucose in the blood is higher than it should be | Hiperglikemija Visoko koli~estvo na {e}er vo krvta |
23 | Blood Glucose Level Blood glucose level is the amount of glucose in the blood | Nivo na {e}er vo krvta |
24 | Diabetes ketoacidosis DKA High levels of ketones cause the blood to become more acidic. This is known as ketoacidosis | Dijabeti~na ketoacidoza |
25 | Pediatric endocrinologist A doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of children with diseases of the endocrine system, such as diabetes and growth disorders | Педијатар - endokrinolog |
26 | Carbohydrates (carbs) Nutrients in food that provide energy that the body needs | Jaglehidrati |
6. Даниел Атанасов – FOOTBALL/SOCCER
alposts (n) -one of the two vertical posts, often painted white, which are connected with a crossbar to form a goal | Статива |
Goal line (n) -a goal line is the line between the two posts that mark the goal, over which the ball must pass if a point is to be scored. | Гол линија |
Foul (n),(v) -an act which is against the rules of a sport, often causing injury to another player | Фаул, прекршок прави фаул / прекршок, фаулира |
Free kick (n) -In football, a free kick is an opportunity to kick the ball without opposition from the other team, which is allowed when a player from the other team has not obeyed one of the rules. | Слободен удар |
Goalkeeper (n) = goalie(informal) -the player who stands in the team's goal to try to stop the other team from scoring | Голман |
Defender(n)=fullback -they are the last line of defense between the goalkeeper and the opposing. Their job is to thwart an opposing attack by wining control of the ball | Одбранбен играч, бек |
Midfielder (n)=halfback -they act as a link between defense and offense | Играч од средината, полутка |
Attacker(n)=forward - a player who is in an attacking position in a team | Напаѓач |
Stamina (n) -the physical and/or mental strength to do something which might be difficult and which will take a long time | Издржливост, енергија, кондиција |
-a jersey is a shirt which is worn by a member of a sports team | Дрес |
Shin guards(n)= shin pad -shin guards are small shields worn on the front of the leg between the knee and the top of the foot | Штитник (за нога), костобран |
Kickoff (n) -the time when a game of football starts or begins again, for example following a goal | Почеток, почетен удар |
Trip(lose balance)(v) -to lose your balance after knocking your foot against something when you are walking or running, or to cause (someone) to do this | Сe препнува, сопнува некого, става некому спрека / сопка |
Tackle(n), (v) -to try to take the ball from a player in the other team, or to do this by taking hold of the player and causing them to fall | Старт/ Стартува (на противнички играч со топка) |
Offside(adj.),(n) -in a position which is not allowed by the rules of the game, often in front of the ball | Офсајд |
Dribble(v),(n) -(in football or hockey) to move (a ball) along the ground with repeated small kicks or hits, or (in basketball) to move a ball by repeatedly hitting it against the floor with your hand | Дрибла Дриблинг, дриблање |
Header(n) -In football, a header is an act of hitting the ball with your head. | Удар со глава |
Teammate(n) - a player on the same team | Соиграч |
Tie(n) -to finish at the same time or score the same number of points | Нерешен резултат, нерешено |
Thwart (v) -to stop (something) from happening or (someone) from doing something | Попречува |
Boundary(n) -an often imaginary line that marks the edge or limit of something | Граница |
Cleat=stud (n) - any of the small pointed objects which stick out from the bottom of some boots and shoes used in particular sports | Крампон |
Extra time (n),(adv) -is the period of time in which play continues if neither team has won in the usual time allowed for the game. | Продолженија |
Spin(v) -to (cause to) turn around and around | Врти, исфрла (топка)со вртење |
Wing(n) -either of the two sides of the sports field, or a player whose position is at either of the two sides of the field | Крило, крилен играч, крилна позиција |
Feint(n),(в) -to pretend to move or make (a move) in a particular direction in order to deceive a competitor | Финта, маневар Прави финта, финтира, маневрира |
7. Даниела Медарска - CIVIL LAW
Abuse The infliction or allowing of physical injury, impairment of bodily function, disfigurement, serious emotional damage or sexual assault | Злоупотреба Малтретирање Насилство |
Appeal To ask a higher court to reverse a lower court’s decision, to seek review from a higher court | Жалба |
Claimant One who claims or asserts a right | Барател Поднесувач на барање |
Complaint An accusation that a person has committed a specified offense | Жалба |
Contract A binding agreement, written or oral, between two or more persons | Договор |
Conservator A person appointed by a judge to manage a protected person’s financial affairs | Надзорник Чувар |
Default The failure or neglect to answer a summons and complaint within the time allowed or the failure to appear in court | Губи случај поради непојавување на суд |
Defendant The party against whom relief or recovery is sought in a suit the party defending or denying a complaint | Обвинет |
Deposition Oral testimony taken of a witness under oath outside of court in the presence of a court reporter and attorneys | Изјава под заклетва |
Dismissal An order or judgment that dismisses a complaint without a complete trial of the issues | Прекин на процес Отфрлање на доказ или обвинение |
Evidence Proof presented in court through exhibits, records, written documents or a witness’s testimony | Доказ |
Hearing A procedure before jury during which evidence may be presented and witnesses heard to determine an issue and come to a decision generally on a less formal basis than in a trial | Сослушување |
Injunction A court order directing a person to take or refrain from taking a specified action | Судски налог |
Judge The public officer authorized to preside over, hear and determine cases in a court of law | Судија |
Litigation The process of taking a case to a law court so that an official decision can be made | Парница Рочиште Судски процес |
Order A document signed by a judge hearing officer, enforceable by law | Налог Дозвола |
Party A person or governmental agency named in a case/a person engaged in a lawsuit | Страна Учесник во судски спор |
Plaintiff The party who files a complaint or initiates a lawsuit | Тужител |
Remand To send a case back to another court or agency for further action * to be remanded in custody | Одложува процес Враќа обвинет во затвор до собирање на нови докази *задржан во притвор/истражен затвор |
Revoke To cancel or nullify a legal document | Укинува Одзема повлекува |
Sentence The judgment by the court and imposition of a penalty upon a defendant after a determination of guilt by plea or verdict | Казна |
Tort A civil wrong committed by one person against another/a violation of a legal duty that one person has towards another | Прекршок Неизвршување на обврски |
Trial The formal presentation of facts and evidence to a court of jury in order to reach a legal decision | Судење Судски процес |
Verdict A decision that is made by a jury in a court of law, stating if somebody is considered guilty or not | Пресуда |
Warrant An order to law enforcement to take a person into custody | Налог |
Witness One who testifies under oath at a trial or hearing about what he/she has seen ,heard, knows or has an opinion about | Сведок |
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