Saturday, January 10, 2009

Глосари од предметот подготовка за преведување и толкување_зимски семестар 2008

33. Ангелина Трајковска - PRODUCTION OF PARFUMES

Absolute (n)

the most potent aromatic product made from a base product.It differs from an essential oil in that it is produced through an extraction process that uses volatile solvents.The extracted solid material is then combined with alcohol to produce the absolute.Absolutes are also darker in color than essential oils

proizvod (produkt) so mo}na (silna) aroma koj se dobiva preku estrakcionen proces koj vklu~uva isparliv rastvoruva~

Alcohol (n)

Alcohol is used in the process of making perfume.Its job is to carry the perfume extracts,and release them when the perfume is dispensed


Accord (n)

a blend of two fragrances to produce a third unique fragrance,with neither of the original two fragrances being detectable(you can compare it to the combining of basic colors,like yellow and blue to make green/when you look at green,you don't see the yellow or blue,just green)

me{avina od dva razli~ni mirisi so cel da se dobie nov unikaten miris

Aroma compound (n)

a whole formed by a union of two or more elements,parts(in this case ingredients,substances)/a chemical compound that has a smell or odor.A chemical compound has a smell or odor when two conditions are met

smesa od razli~ni sostojki/smesa od mirisi

Evaluator (n)

an authority who is able to estimate the worth or the quality(an authority who estimates how well the basic version of the fragrance created by the parfumer meets the requirements of the brief)


Essential oil (n)

a concentrated,hydrophobic liquid concentrating volatile aroma compounds from plants.They are also known as volatile or ethereal oils or simply as the "oil of" the plant material from which they were extracted.An oil is "essential" in the sense that is carried a distinctive scent,or essence,of the plant

esencijalno maslo

Odor/odour (n)

a volatilized chemical compound, generally at a very low concentration that humans and animals perceive by the sense of olfaction.Odors are also called smells which can refer to both pleasant and unpleasant odors

miris (prijaten ili neprijaten)

Anosmia (n)

inability to smell.You can have either full or partial anosmia.If you have full anosmia you can't smell anything.If you have partial anosmia there are only certain things you can't smell

nemo`nost da se po~uvstvuva miris

bloom (v)

the period of greatest prosperity and productivity of the fragrance


Bottom notes/the bottom of the fragrance (n)

heavier,longer lasting scents from the base of a fragrance you can still smell even after you have been wearing a fragrance for hours.These account for about 40% or 50%of the fragrance

dolni noti na mirisot

Brief (n)

a document that the finished product manufacturer provides to the fragrance house to direct the fragrance development

kratok plan, instrukcii za rabota

Cologne (n)

a type of scented or perfumed water named after the city of Cologne in Germany

kolonska voda

Concrete (n)

a term used in parfumery to refer to the hard,waxy substance that is left after the slovent has been applied to the raw material,and has evaporated

tvrda voso~na supstanca koja se dobiva otkako rastvoruva~ot ke se nanese na surovinata i ke izvetree

consumer panels (n)

tests that are used to ensure people perceive the fragrance the way the parfumer intended

ispituvawa ~ija cel e da ocenat dali i kolku potro{uva~ite go primaat mirisot onaka kako sto nameril sozdava~ot na istiot

Evanescent (n)

a word used to describe a fragrance that disappears quickly

zbor koj se koristi za opi{uvawe na miris koj brzo is~eznuva

Evaporation (n)

the process of a liquid converting to the gaseous state


Extraction (n)

the process of removing essential oils from plant material using solvents,which are then evaporated,leaving just the oil


Fixative (n)

a natural or synthetic substance used to reduce the evaporation rate and improve stability when added to more volatile components.This allows the final product to last longer while keeping its original fragrance

prirodna ili sinteti~ka supstanca koja go reducira vetreeweto

Flavor/flavour (n)

the sensory impression of a food or other substance and is determined mainly by the chemical senses of taste and smell


Fragrance (n)

a mixture of fragrant essential oils and aroma compounds, fixatives and solvents used to give the human body, objects and living spaces a pleasant smell/a term covering all aroma chemical mixtures

prijaten miris, prijatna aroma

Fragrance house (n)

company that specialize in parfumery where fragrances are developed

firmi specijalizirani za sozdavawe na mirisi

layer (n)

a part of a complex fragrance which is created by a number of fragrances placed on top of one another

plast, sloj

Middle notes /the middle of the fragrance (n)

the part you smell the strongest after you have been wearing the fragrance for 30 minutes or so.This section makes up about 30% to 40% of the fragrance and is usually a complex floral blend

sredni noti na mirisot

Olfaction (n)

a sense of smell,part of the chemical sensing system or the chemosenses

setilo za miris

Panelist (n)

a person who participates in the final test the fragrance is put through after passing the in-house evaluations(it is typical to have up to 100 people smell the final fragrance to make sure it meets the requirements of the original fragrance brief)

~ovek koj u~estvuva vo finalnite ispituvawa na koj e podlo`en mirisot

paper blotter (n)

a type of paper which is used to absorb an excess of substance

popivka/vid na hartija koja se koristi za apsorbirawe na vi{okot supstanca/apsorpciona hartija

Perfume (n)

a specific type of fragrance that is worn on the body/a pleasant smell(odor,scent);odoriferous particles emitted from a sweet smelling substance


Perfumer (n)

an expert on perfume composition sometimes refered to affectionately as "The Nose" due to their fine sense of smell and skill in producting olfactory compositions/highly trained person who uses a pallet of aroma chemicals to create new scents

~ovek obu~en za sozdavawe na parfemi

Sensory testing centers (n)

centers that allow the fragrance houses(usually the larger fragrance houses)to evaluate product under a variety of conditions

centri koi ovozmo`uvaat da se testira odreden proizvod vo razli~ni uslovi

Solvent (n)

a liquid substance capable of dissolving other substances


Top notes/the top of the fragrance (n)

the lightest,fastest evaporating scents which make up about 20% of the fragrance and are described with terms like "sparkling" and "fresh".You smell them when you first open a bottle of perfume but they evaporate quickly once you apply it to your skin

gorni noti na mirisot

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