Anti-Semitearbitrary The one who discriminates against or who is hostile toward or prejudiced against Jews. Sometimes used as a label for those who criticize Israel or it's policies, in order to intimidate and stifle disagreement. | Antisemitizam |
Anarchist one who seeks to overturn, by violence, society and government, with no intention of establishing another orderly system. | Anarhist |
Autarky national economic self-sufficiency. | Avtorkija |
Autocracy a government where uncontrolled or unlimited authority is in the hands of one person. | Avtokratija |
Bigotry intolerance of anyone else's creed, belief, or opinion. | Fanatizam; Netolerancija |
Bi-partisan representing, characterized by, or including members from two parties or factions. (See Nonpartisan) | Dvopartiski |
Casuistry * (n) argumentation that is specious or excessively subtle and intended to be misleading * (n) moral philosophy based on the application of general ethical principles to resolve moral dilemmas | Kazuistrika |
Caucus * (n) a closed political meeting * (v) meet to select a candidate or promote a policy | 1. Sostanok na ~lenovi na partija/frakcija. 2. Lokalen partiski odbor/komitet. 3. AE predizboren komitet. |
Constituency * (n) the body of voters who elect a representative for their area | Izborna edinica/telo |
Debunk * (v) expose while ridiculing; especially of pretentious or false claims and ideas; "The physicist debunked the psychic''s claims" | Razotkriva; Demistificira |
Decriminalization * (n) legislation that makes something legal that was formerly illegal | Legalizirawe |
Endorse * (s) to formally support, especially by public statement | 1. Endorsira; potpi{uva ~ek (od zadnata strana). 2. Potvrduva; potkleknuva; poddr`uva. 3. Opravduva. 4. Zapi{uva prekr{ok vo voza~ka dozvola. |
Empirical depending upon experience or observation alone, without using science or theory. | Empiri~en; Prakti~en |
Egalitarian characterized by the belief in the equality of all men. | 1)Ramnopraven 2) Egalitarijanec (zastapnik na socijalna i politi~ka ednakvost) |
Generic * (a) relating to or common to or descriptive of all members of a genus; "the generic name" | Generi~en; op{t |
Illuminati persons possessing or claiming to possess superior understanding and knowledge. | Iluminati |
Laffer curve * (n) a graph purporting to show the relation between tax rates and government income; income increases as tax rates increase up to an optimum beyond which income declines | Laferova Kriva |
laissez-faire economy * (n) an economy that relies chiefly on market forces to allocate goods and resources and to determine prices | Lezefer |
Lobbyist * (n) someone who tries to persuade legislators to vote for bills that the lobbyists favor | Lobist |
Non-partisan (a) free from party affiliation or bias | Nepartiski |
Outlay Monetary expenditures. | Vlo`uvawe (vo ne{to) |
Plutocracy The rule of the wealthy. | Plutokratija |
Secede * (v) withdraw from an organization or communion; "After the break up of the | Se otcepuva (se odnesuva na dr`avna ~lenka) |
Suborn * (v) incite to commit a crime or an evil deed; "He suborned his butler to cover up the murder of his wife" * (v) procure (false testimony or perjury) * (v) induce to commit perjury or give false testimony; "The President tried to suborn false witnesses" | Potkupuva; potplatuva; nagovoruva |
Unicameral * (a) composed of one legislative body | Ednodomen (se odnesuva na politiska organizaciva) |
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Глосари од предметот подготовка за преведување и толкувње_зимски семестар 2008
32. Томислав Ѓорѓевиќ - POLITICAL PARTIES
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