| English | Македонски |
1 | court a building where trials and other legal cases happen | суд |
2 | judge a person who decides how a person should be punished, or who makes decisions on legal matters | 1) судија (n.) 2) просудува, проценува (v.) |
3 | judgment an official legal decision | пресуда |
4 | lawyer a person who gives advice to people about the law and speaks to them in court | 1) адвокат 2) правен советник |
5 | plaintiff someone who makes a legal complaint against someone else in court | тужител |
6 | defendant a person in a law case who is accused | обвинет |
7 | jury a group of people who decide whether a person is guilty or not | порота |
8 | juror, juryman (old use) a member of a jury | поротник |
9 | justice the system of law in a country which judges and punishes people | правда |
10 | jurisdiction authority of a court to exercise judicial power | судска надлежност / власт |
11 | јudiciary the part of a country’s government which is responsible for its legal system and consists of all the judges in the country’s courts of law | 1) судство 2) правосудство 3) судски органи |
12 | evidence any form of proof legally presented at a trial through witnesses, records, documents | 1) доказ 2) исказ, изјава |
13 | alibi а defence that someone accused of a crime was not there at the time and could not have the offence | 1) алиби 2) изговор |
14 | chambers a judge’s private office | кабинет на судијата |
15 | verdict formal decision made by a jury | пресуда |
16 | courtroom a room where a court of law meets | судница |
17 | writ a legal document which informs someone that they will be involved in a legal process | судски налог |
18 | arraignment a court hearing where a defendant is advised of the charges and asked to plead guilty or not | обвинение |
19 | witness оne who testifies to what he has seen, heard, or otherwise observed | сведок |
20 | (on) remand а disposition by an appellate court, which sends a case back to the trial court for further proceedings | 1) во притвор 2) одлага процес до собирање нови докази |
21 | counsel one or more lawyers taking part in a law case | Совет |
22 | cross-examination questioning of a witness by the party opposed to the one who produced the witnesses | вкрстено испрашување |
23 | acquit to find a defendant not in a criminal trial | Ослободува/донесува ослободителна пресуда |
24 | tort аn action that is wrong but which can be dealt with in a civil court | прекршок |
25 | complaint initial pleading in an action formally setting for the facts and reasons on which the demand is based | 1) жалба 2) приговор |
26 | bail an amount of money determined by the judge and posted with the court as security to ensure the defendants appearance in a court at a specific time | кауција |
27 | lawsuit a problem taken to a court of law for a legal decision | судски процес |
28 | investigation examinаtion of a crime, problem, to discover the truth | истрага |
29 | court reporter мakes a word-for-word record of the proceedings in a trial | судски записничар |
30 | act the law of a country, also called a statute | 1) закон 2) документ 3) функционира (v.) |
17. Марјан Тодорчев - COMPUTER SCIENCE
1 | Hardware The physical parts of a computer | Hardver |
2 | Software Software is a general term for the various kinds of programs used | Softver |
3 | Transistor Transistor is a device composed of semiconductor material that amplifies a signal or opens or closes a circuit | Tranzistor |
4 | Integrated Circuits An integrated circuit (IC), sometimes called a chip or microchip is a semiconductor on which thousands or millions of tiny transistors are fabricated | Integrirani kola |
5 | Semiconductor Semiconductor is a material that is neither a good conductor of electricity(like copper) nor a good insulator(like rubber) | Poluprovodnik |
6 | Microprocessor Microprocessor contains thousands of integrated circuits built onto a single silicon chip | Mikroprocesor |
7 | CPU Central Processing Unit is the most powerful microprocessor chip in the computer | Centralna procesorska edinica |
8 | Mother Board The main circuit board of the computer, all key internal and external components of the computer are plugged into the Mother Board | Mati~na ploca |
9 | Case Often called the computer , the case houses and provides power to the major components of the computer | Ku}i{te |
10 | Sound Card A circuit board that is plugged into the Mother Board and adds audio capability to the computer | Zvu~na karti~ka |
11 | Modem A circuit board that is plugged into the Mother Board and enables the computer to communicate with other computers and Internet | Modem |
12 | Keyboard A keyboard is the primary text input device | Tastatura |
13 | Icon In a computer's graphical user interface an icon is an image that represents an application, a capability, or some other concept or specific entity with meaning for the user. | Ikona |
14 | Desktop A desktop is a computer display area that represents the kinds of objects one might find on a real desktop: documents, phonebook, telephone, reference sources, writing etc | Desktop, raboten prostor |
15 | Computer mouse A hand-operated electronic device that controls the coordinates of a cursor on your computer screen as you move it around on a pad | Gluv~e , Maus |
16 | Downloading Transferring data (usually a file) from a another computer to the computer you are using | Prefrlawe, simuvawe |
17 | Scanner A scanner is a device that captures images from photographic prints, posters, magazine pages, and similar sources for computer editing and display. | Skener |
18 | Monitor A device that accepts video signals from a computer and displays information on a screen; a video display | Monitor |
19 | Printer A printer is a device that accepts text and graphic output from a computer and transfers the information to paper, usually to standard size sheets of paper | Printer, Pe~ata~ |
20 | Speaker An electro-acoustic transducer that converts electrical signals into sounds loud enough to be heard at a distance | Zvu~nik |
21 | E-mail A system for sending and receiving messages electronically over a computer network, as between personal computers | Elektronska po{ta |
22 | Server a server is a computer program that provides services to other computer programs (and their users) in the same or other computers | Server |
23 | Mainframes A mainframe (also known as "big iron") is a high-performance computer used for large-scale computing purposes that require greater availability and security than a smaller-scale machine can offer | Golemi kompjuteri |
24 | Portable computers A portable computer is a personal computer that is designed to be easily transported and relocated, but is larger and less convenient to transport, also known as laptop computer and notebook | Prenosni kompjuteri |
25 | Artificial Intelligence The branch of computer science concerned with making computers behave like humans | Ve{ta~ka intelegencija |
18. Мартина Мајсторовиќ - DIPLOMACY
ACCESSION (n.) The procedure by which a nation becomes a party to an agreement already in force between other nations. | stapuvawe |
AMBASSADOR (n.) The most senior diplomatic rank - i.e. ‘the chief of mission’. | ambasador |
BELLIGERENCY (n.) A state of belligerency is a state of armed conflict. Belligerents are direct participants in the conflict. | voena sostojba |
CHANCELLERY (n.) As in "chancelleries of Europe," i.e. foreign offices. | kancelarijat |
CONFERENCE OR CONGRESS (n.) International meetings. In the diplomatic sense, a congress has the same meaning as a conference. | konferencija ili kongres |
CONSULATE (n.) | konzulat |
CONVENTION (n.) | konvencija |
DECLARATION (n.) 2.) A joint statement by two or more states having the same binding effect as a treaty. | deklaracija |
DELEGATION (n.) | delegirawe |
DIPLOMACY (n.) 1.) The art of practice of conducting international relations, as in negotiating alliances, treaties and agreements 2.)Tact and skill in dealing with people. | diplomatija |
DIPLOMAT (n.) Someone involved in diplomacy | diplomat |
DIPLOMATIC CORPS (n.) | diplomatski kor; diplomatsko telo |
DIPLOMATIC The collective term for a group of diplomats from a single country who are resident in another country. | diplomatska misija |
DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY (n.) | diplomatski imunitet |
EMBASSY (n.) | ambasada |
ENDORSEMENT (n.) | potpi{uvawe |
EXTRADITION (n.) | ekstradicija |
FINAL ACT (Acte Final) (n.) | zavr{en akt |
GUARANTEE, TREATY OF (n.) | garancija, spogodba |
LEGATION (n.) | diplomatsko pretstavni{tvo |
NEGOTIATION (n.) | pregovor |
PERSONA NON GRATA (n.) - (lat.) | nepo`elna osoba |
PRECEDENCE (n.) | predimstvo, prednost |
PROCEEDING (n.) | procesirawe |
PROTOCOL (n.) | protokol, dogovor, spogodba |
RATIFICATION (n.) | ratifikacija |
RECOGNITION (n.) | priznavawe |
TREATY (n.) | spogodba |
ULTIMATUM (n.) | ultimatum, posledno barawe pred prezemawe merki |
19. Мелида Фејзоска - PRODUCTION OF COFFEE
1 | Aroma (n.) Pleasing smell, often of food, drink… | Aroma |
2 | Aromatic Designates a coffee that filly manifests the aroma characteristics of its nature and origin. | Aromati~en -mirizliv |
3 | Acidity (n.) Refers to the mouth feel of coffee which corresponds to the amount of time a particular coffee’s flavours lingers on the palate. Typically the higher the acidity, the quicker the flavour leaves the palate. | Kiselost |
4 | Beverage (n.) Formal drink | Napitok, pijalok |
5 | Black-beans Dead coffee beans that have dropped from the trees before the harvesting. | Crno zrno, zrno(od kafe) -zrna koi {to ispadnale od drvoto pred berbata. |
6 | Cooked A typical taste of an instant coffee treated at too high temperatures. | Zgotven, pe~en |
7 | Coffee (n.) A drink made from roasted and ground bean like seeds of a tropical shrub. | Kafe |
8 | Caffeine A substance found in coffee and tea that makes you feel more active. | Kofein |
9 | Dirty (a. v.) Literally a dirty flavour, not earthy or musty. | Ne~isto , blutkavo |
10 | Roast (n. a. v.) To heat nuts or coffee beans so that they become drier and browner. | Pe~ewe, pr`en ,pe~en -(se)pr`i,(se)pe~e |
11 | Flavour (n.) Mingled sensation of smell and taste. | Vkus ,aroma -mirisa |
12 | Fruity An aromatic sensation created by a highly volatile set of aldehydes and esters found in coffee’s aroma either a sweet sensation reminiscent of citrus fruit or a dry sensation reminiscent of berry fruit. | Ovo{en, prijaten vkus |
13 | Green (a. n. v.) A taste taint giving the coffee brew and herbal character due to an incomplete development of the sugar carbon compounds in the roasting process. | Zelen ,nezrel, mlad |
14 | Harvest 1.the time of the year when crops are cut and collected from the fields; 2.the activity of cutting and collecting them; | @etva; berba; rod |
15 | Oily 1.containing or covered with oil; 2.feeling, tasting, smelling or looking like oil; 3. A term sometimes used to denote a coffee that has a roasted oily due to a high degree of roasting or an oily coffee having a greasy but not rancid taste. | Masleno/Mrsno Sodr`i maslo; izgleda kako maslo |
16 | Organic Produced or practised without using artificial chemicals. | Organski |
17 | Sensation (n.) 1. A physical feeling or perception resulting from something that happens to or comes into contact with the body; | Oset; ~uvstvo; впечаток |
18 | A large estate on which crops such as coffee, sugar and tobacco are grown. | Planta`a nasad |
19 | Point A coffee with good, positive characteristics of flavour, and acidity. | Kafe so vrven vkus, kiselost i so dobri i pozitivni karakteristiki/ od vrвen kvalitet. |
20 | Barista One who prepares espresso based drinks. | Li~nost koja podgotvuva espreso kafe |
21 | Blade Grinder This type of grinder will grind coffee by way of a spinning blade while effective it results in unevenly ground coffee which will yield inconsistently brewed coffee. | Ma{ina za melewe kafe |
22 | Production (n.) Producing or being produced esp.in large quanities. | Proizvodstvo |
23 | Taste (n.) A sensation caused in the mouth by contact with a soluble substance. | Vkus |
25 | Wishy-Washy Negative in all aspects but with defective flavour. | Negativno vo sekoj aspekt so nepotpoln vkus. |
20. Наташа Тодова - FAMILY LAW
ALIMONY -a payment of support provided from by one spouse to the other | АЛИМЕНТАЦИЈА |
ANNULMENT -a marriage can be dissolved in a legal proceeding in which the marriage is declared void, as though it never took place. In the eyes of the law, the parties were never married .It is available only under certain limited circumstances | ПОНИШТУВАЊЕ |
ABDUCTION -unlawfully taking someone | ГРАБНУВАЊЕ |
ABUSE -pattern of behavior used to establish power and control over another person through fear and intimidation, often including the threat or actual use of violence | ЗЛОУПОТРЕБА |
ADOPTION -a court action in which an adult assumes legal and all other responsibilities for a child, creating a permanent parent-child relationship | ПОСВОЈУВАЊЕ |
BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILD -a discretionary legal standard that pertains to support, visitation and custody | ВО НАЈДОБАР ИНТЕРЕС ЗА ДЕТЕТО |
CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICE -a government agency that responds to reports of child abuse and neglect | АГЕНЦИЈА ЗА ЗАШТИТА НА ДЕЦАТА |
CHILD CUSTODY -a court’s determination of which parent or relative should have physical and/or legal control and responsibility for a minor child(ren).However, child custody can come up if a child, relative, close friend or state agency questions whether one or both parents is unfit, absent, dead, in prison or dangerous to the child’s well-being | СТАРАТЕЛСТВО НАД ДЕТЕ |
CHILD SUPPORT -a legal responsibility that both parents have to provide adequate financial support for the children until each reaches the age of emancipation. The goal is to keep the children in the same quality of lifestyle that they would have experienced had the divorce not taken place | АЛИМЕНТАЦИЈА ЗА ДЕЦА |
COMMYNITY PROPERTY -property and profits received by a husband and wife during the marriage, with the exception of inheritances, specific gifts to one of the spouses, and property and profits clearly traceable to property owned before the marriage, all of which is separate property. | ЗАЕДНИЧКИ ИМОТ/ИМОТ СТЕКНАТ ВО БРАЧНА ЗАЕДНИЦА |
DIVORCE -termination of marriage by legal action | РАЗВОД |
EMANCIPATION -the point at which a minor comes of age. The age is typically 18 or 21. | ЕМАНЦИПИРАЊЕ |
FOSTER CARE -system by which a certified, stand-in, parents cares for minor children or young peoples who have been removed from their birth parents or another custodial adults by state authority GUARDIAN AD LITEM -an adult, usually appointed by the court, who represents the non-legal interest of a minor child in divorce. He or she is a trained social worker, counselor or other professional | ГРИЖА ЗА ДЕЦА КОИ СЕ ПОСВОЕНИ СТАРАТЕЛСKА ГРИЖА СУДСКИ СТАРАТЕЛ |
JOINT CUSTODY -each parent shares legal custody of their children | ЗЕАДНИЧКО СТАРАТЕЛСТВО |
LITIGATION -the process of fighting a legal dispute in the court system | ПАРНИЦА, РОЧИШТЕ ,СУДСКИ ПРОЦЕС |
MINOR -someone under the age of 18 | МАЛОЛЕТНИК |
NEGLECT -failure to provide support, medical care, education, moral example discipline and other necessaries. | ЗАПОСТАВУВАЊЕ |
PATERNITY -the legal biological relationship between father and child | ТАТКОВСТВО |
PRENUPTUAL AGREEMENT -a legal contract signed by two people before they get married. It typically involves limitations on a spouse’s rights to property , support and inheritance upon divorce | ПРЕДБРАЧЕН ДОГОВОР |
PROPERTY DIVISION -the distribution of property accumulated by spouses as a result of their joint efforts during the marriage. Sometimes regarded as ‘property settlement’ | ПОДЕЛБА НА ИМОТ |
RECONCILIATION -resuming the martial relationship | ПОМИРУВАЊЕ |
RESTRAINING ORDER -a court order restricting a person’s actions. They are sometimes issued by one spouse to try to deter the other spouse from committing violent acts | ЗАБРАНА ЗА ПРИБЛИЖУВАЊЕ |
SUPERVISED VISITATION -visitation by a parent with his child while another adult (other than the custodial parent) is present | ПОСЕТА ПОД НАДЗОР |
WARD -someone placed under the protection of a legal guardian | ШТИТЕНИК |
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