agenda n. a list of items to be discussed at a meeting: The next item on the agenda is the publicity budget. | dneven red, programa |
agreement n. [C] ~(with sb) | (between A and B) an arrangement, a promise or a contract made with somebody: The agreement was signed during a meeting at the UN. | dogovor, spogodba |
appoint v. ~sb (to sth) | ~sb as sth to choose sb for a job or position of responsibility: She has recently been appointed to the committee. | imenuva, nazna~uva |
charter n. [C] a written statement describing the rights that a particular group of people should have: the European Union’s Social Charter of workers’ rights | povelba |
commissioner n. (usually Commissioner) a member of a commission (= an official group of people who have been given responsibility to control sth, or to find out sth, usually for the government): the European Commission | ~len na (dr`avna) komisija, poverenik (na vlada), specijalen pratenik, delegat |
convention n. 1 [C] a large meeting of the members of a profession, a political party, etc. [SYN] conference: to hold a convention 2 [C] an official agreement between countries or leaders: the Geneva convention | 1 sostanok, kongres 2 (me|unaroden) dogovor, konvencija |
council n. (usually Council) [C + sing. / pl. v.] a group of people chosen to give advice, make rules, do research, provide money, etc: European Council | Sovet |
declaration n. [C] an official written statement giving information: the 22nd declaration attached to the Treaty of Nice | deklaracija |
directive n. an official instruction: The EU has issued a new set of directives on pollution. | direktiva |
European Council n. (referred to as a European Summit) the highest political body of the European Union | Evropski Sovet |
European Court of Justice n. (abbr. ECJ), (also called Court of Justice of the European Communities) the highest court of the European Union (EU); it has the ultimate say on matters of EU law in order to ensure equal application across the various European Union member states | Evropski sud za pravda |
European Ombudsman n. (pl. -men) an EU official whose job is to examine and report on complaints made by ordinary people about the public authorities | Evropski pravobranitel |
European Union n. (abbr. EU) an economic and political organization that many European countries belong to | Evropska Unija (EU) |
front runner n. a person that seems most likely to win a race or competition: Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair is the current front runner for the first permanent President of the European Council. | predvodnik, voda~ |
integration n. 1 the act or process of combining two or more things so that they work together (= of integrating them): The aim is to promote closer economic integration. 2 the act or process of mixing people who have previously been separated, usually because of colour, race, religion, etc. | 1 spojuvawe, prisoedinuvawe, obedinuvawe 2 integracija, |
intergovernmental adj. [only before noun] concerning the governments of two or more countries: an intergovernmental conference | me|uvladin |
jurisdiction n. fml [U, C] ~(over sb / sth) | ~(of sb / sth) (to do sth) the authority that an official organization has to make legal decisions about sb / sth | sudska nadle`nost, jurizdikcija |
negotiation n. [C, often pl., U] formal discussion between people who are trying to reach an agreement: They begin another round of negotiations today. | pregovori, pregovarawe |
nominate v. 1 ~sb (for / as sth) to formally suggest that sb should be chosen for an important role, position, etc: She has been nominated for the presidency. 2 ~sb (to / as sth) to choose sb to do a particular job [SYN] appoint: I have been nominated to the committee. | 1 kandidira, nominira 2 izbira, imenuva |
pleading n. [C, usually pl.] (law) a formal statement of sb’s case (=their claims and the arguments they use to support them) in a court of law | zastapuvawe, branewe (pred sud), zavr{en iskaz |
policy n. (pl. -ies) [C, U] ~on / sth) a plan of action agreed or chosen by a political party, a business, etc: policy agenda | politika, kurs na dejstvuvawe, strategija |
preside v. ~(at / over sth) to lead or to be in charge of a meeting, ceremony, etc: They asked if I would preside the committee meeting. | pretsedava |
presidency n. [usually sing.] (pl. -ies) the job of being president of a country or an organization; the period of time sb holds this job: the current holder of EU presidency; rotating presidency | pretsedatelstvo, pretsedatelstvuvawe |
ratification n. making an agreement officially valid by voting for or signing it | ratifikacija, ratifikuvawe |
Secretary General n. the person who is in charge of the administrative department of a large international or political organization | Generalen sekretar |
summit n. an official meeting or series of meetings between the leaders of two or more governments at which they discuss important matters: a summit conference | samit |
supranational adj. fml involving more than one country: a supranational authority | nadnacionalen |
treaty n. (pl. –ies) a formal agreement between two or more countries: the Treaty of | dogovor |
9. Јана Цветкоска - PSYCHIATRY
English | Macedonian |
1. Alveoli - Air sacs in the lungs where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged. | 1. Alveoli |
2.Angina pectoris-a lack of blood and hence oxygen supply of the heart muscle generally due to obstruction or spasm of the heart’s blood vessels | 2.Ggradna bolka (lat. angina pectoris) |
3. Aorta- the largest artery in the human body, originating from the left ventricle of the heart and bringing oxygenated blood to all parts of the body in the systematic circulation | 3. Aorta |
4.Artery-blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the organs | 4. Arterija |
5.Atrium-an anatomical cavity or passage of the heart that receives blood from the veins and forces it into the ventricles | 5.Pretkomora |
6.Blood pressure-the force of blood within your arteries | 6.Krven pritisok |
7. Blood vessels- organic conduits carrying blood to the heart and organs. | 7. Krvni sadovi |
8. Capillaries-blood vessels that allow the exchange of various nutriments and wastes among cells. | 8.Kapilari |
9. Cardiology -a subspecialty of internal medicine dealing with disorders of the heart and blood vessels | 9.Kardiologija |
10.Coronary sinus-a venous sinus that opens into the right atrium of the heart and serves to drain the coronary veins. | 10.Koronaren sinus |
11. Echocardiogram -a procedure that uses ultrasound waves to create moving pictures of the heart. | 11.Ehodijagram |
12. Heart- four-chambered, egg-shaped muscular organ. The central apparatus of blood circulation. | 12.Srce |
13. Heart attack (lat. Infarct)- occurs when the flow of blood and oxygen to an area of the heart is cut off | 13.Srcev udar |
14. Inferior vena cava: The large vein returning blood from the legs and abdomen to the heart. | 14. Dolna [upliva vena |
15.Jugular vein: veins in the neck that return blood from the head | 15.Vratna vena |
16. Left and right pulmonary arterу: vessels carrying blood from the heart to the left and right lung. | 16. Leva i desna belodrobna arterija (pulmonarna) |
17. Left and right atria: upper left and upper right chambers of the heart. | 17. Leva i desna pretkomora |
18. Left and right pulmonary veins: vessels carrying blood from the left/right lung to the heart. | 18.Leva i desna belodrobna vena (pulmonarna) |
19. Left and right ventricles: lower left and lower right chambers of the heart. | 19. Leva i desna komora |
20.Pacemaker- a battery-powered device that sends electrical signals to your heart to help it beat at a proper rate | 20.Elektrostimulator za srceto (pejsmejker) |
21.Pulmonary circulation-The passage of blood from the right ventricle through the pulmonary artery to the lungs and back through the pulmonary veins to the left atrium | 21. Белодробен крвоток |
22. Red blood cells- free-floating blood cell that carries nutriments to the organs. | 22.Crveni krvni zrnca (Eritrociti) |
23. Superior vena cava: vessel that returns unoxygenated blood to the heart from the upper part of the body. | 23. Горна шуплива вена/Brahiocefali~na vena |
24. Systemic circulation -The part of blood circulation which carries oxygenated blood away from the heart, to the body, and returns deoxygenated blood back to the heart. | 24. Sistematska Cirkulacija/крвоток |
25. Tachycardia- typically refers to the cardiac rhythm which produces a ventricular rate greater than 100 beats per minute; | 25.Tahikardija |
26. Vein: blood vessel that carries blood from the organs to the heart. | 26.Vena |
27. Ventricle -either of the two lower chambers of the heart which receive blood from the atria and pump it into the arteries | 27.Komora |
28.White blood cell: free-floating blood cell that plays an important role in the immune system. | 28.Beli krvni zrnca (Leukociti) |
11. Јехона Пајазити - SECONDARY EDUCATION
1 | Secondary Education *Education for children between the ages of 11 and 18 | *Sredno obrazovanie |
2 | Secondary school *A school for young people between the ages of 11 and 16 or 18 | *Sredno u£ili¡te (za u£enici od 11 do 16 ili 18 godi¡na vozrast) |
3 | Compulsory education *Education which children are required by law to receive and governments to provide | *Zadol`itelno obrazovanie |
4 | State/Public school *A school that is paid for by the government and provides free education | *Dr`avno/Javno u£ili¡te |
5 | Private school *A school that receives no money from the government and where the education of the students is paid for by their parents Syn: Independent school | *Privatno u£ili¡te |
6 | High school *In the **In | Sredno u£ili¡te: * Vo Kanada i SAD za u£enici od 14-18 godini **Vo Velika Britanija za u£enici od 11-18 godini |
7 | A gymnasium * is a type of school providing secondary education in some parts of **The building which houses the sports facilities in a school or campus | *Gimnazija ( vo nekoi delovi od Evropa) ** Fislukturna sala |
8 | Middle school *In **In some places in the | *Vo Velika Britanija- osnovno u£ili¡te za deca na vozrast me|u 9 i 13 godini **Vo SAD- osnovno u£ili¡te za deca na vozrast me|u 11 i 14 godini |
9 | College * A place where you can study for higher or more specialist qualifications after you finish high school **One of the main divisions of some large universities ***A secondary school, especially one where you must pay | *Visoko(stru£no) u£ili¡te; kolex **Fakultet (kako del od univerzitet) ***Privatno u£ili¡te |
10 | Vocational school ( trade school or career college) * A school that teaches skills that are necessary for particular jobs | *Stru£no u£ili¡te |
11 | Preparatory school * In ** In the | * Vo V.Britanija- privatno osnovno u£ili¡te za u£enici od 7 do 13 godini ** Vo SAD- privatno sredno u£ili¡te |
12 | Grammar school * In **In the | * Vo V.Britanija - gimnazija ** Vo SAD - osnovno u£ili¡te( za u£enici pod 14 godini) |
13 | Comprehensive school * In | *Vo V.Britanija - sredno u£ili¡te |
14 | Upper school * In | *VoV.Britanija - u£ili¡te za u£enici na vozrast od 14 do 18 godini |
15 | Lower school *In | *VoV.Britanija - u£ili¡te za u£enici na vozrast od 11 do 14 godini |
16 | Apprenticeship *In | * »irakuvawe |
17 | A Level ( Advanced Level) *A British exam taken in a particular subject, usually in the final year of school at the age of 18 | * Zavr¡en/ Maturski ispit |
18 | GCE * General Certificate of Education | *Svidetelstvo za zavr¡eno sredno obrazovanie ( se dobiva na 18 godi¡na vozrast) |
19 | GCSE * General Certificate of Secondary Education | *Svidetelstvo za zavr¡eno sredno obrazovanie( se dobiva na 16 godi¡na vozrast) |
20 | Long vacation *One of the periods of time when schools, colleges, universities or courts of law are closed | * Leten raspust |
21 | Teacher *A person whose job is teaching, especially in a school | * U£itel/ Nastavnik/ Profesor/ Vospituva£ |
22 | School-yard * An outdoor area of a school for children to play in | * [kolski dvor |
23 | School – leaver *A person who has just left school, especially when they are looking for a job | *Maturant ( koj ne prodol`uva so ¡koluvawe) |
24 | Pupil *A person who is being taught, especially a child in a school | *U£enik |
26 | Scholarship *An amount of money given to sb by an organization to help pay for their education | *Stipendija |
27 | Textbook *A book that teaches a particular subject and that is used especially in schools and colleges | * U£ebnik |
28 | Schoolwork *work that students do at school or for school | *U£ili¡na rabota |
29 | Homework *Work that is given by teachers for students to do at home | *Doma¡na rabota |
30 | School uniform *the special set of clothes worn by children at school | *[kolska uniforma |
31 | School year *The period between September 1 and June 30 | *[kolska godina |
32 | Department/Ministry of Education | Ministerstvo za obrazovanie |
33 | Secretary of State for Education/ Minister of Education | Minister za obrazovanie |
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