Sunday, January 25, 2009

Глосари од предметот подготовка за преведување и толкување_зимски семстар 2008

34. Горјан Николенко - Drama



Аctor the person, male or female, who performs a role in a play or an entertainment.


Act 1) What an actor does. 2) Segments of a performance, usually separated by an interval. So the first part is Act 1, the second Act 2, and so on.

1)Глума 2)Чин

Script The text of the show, also containing information about settings, characters, costumes etc. to aid the cast and crew.


Scene 1) A stage setting. 2) The blocks or parts into which a play is divided. 3) A particular setting of stage lighting that can be reproduced on demand.

1)Сцена 2)Сцена 3)Сцена

Amphitheatre An outdoor theatrical setting, usually with a large semi-circular seating area sloping down to the stage.


Arena Theatre A theatre in which the audience sits

on all sides of an acting area.

Арена театар


1)The part of the theatre designed to

accommodate the audience. Auditorium can also

describe the entire theatre.2) The audience.

1)Аудиториум 2)Публика

Backstage In proscenium theatres, the area behind

the proscenium arch. The term also refers to such areas in non-proscenium theatres and to any part of the stage not in the acting area during a performance.

Позади сцена

Dialogue The lines or words spoken by the cast in a



Director Тhe person with the ultimate responsibility for the interpretation of the script through his control of

the actors and supporting production team.


Part An actor's part of the play is his or her lines and directions, the whole performance of an individual.


Understudy An actor who learns the part of another ready to step into their shoes should they not be able to perform due to illness or other reasons. Also Cover.


Stage 1) The part of the theatre on which the actor performs. 2) The acting profession - an actor is said to be 'On The Stage'.

1)Сцена 2) Глума (на сцена)

Set 1) Verb - To set is to prepare the stage for the coming scene by placing everything in its correct position. 2) Noun - The set is all the scenery, furniture and props used to create a particular scene. 3) When an actor has learnt their lines and stage directions they are 'set'.

1) Да се подготви сцената 2)Драмска сцена 3) подготвен

Set designer the person who designs the sets for a show


Costume designer the person who designs the costumes


Dramatist (Playwriter) the person who writes plays.


Choreographer a Member of the production team responsible for setting dances and movement sequences during the production.


Critic a Journalist who writes reviews for theatre productions.


Double 1) to play more than one role in a production; 2) one who resembles a member of the cast and takes his/her place in scenes needing special skills

1)Двојна улога 2)Дублер

Drama a serious form of theatre that takes a thoughtful, sober attitude toward its subject matter. It puts the audience in a frame of mind to think carefully about what it sees and to become involved with the characters on stage.


Lighting Designer in the theatre, the person who decides where the lighting instruments should go, how they should be colored, and which ones should be on at any particular time.

Одговорен за светло

Sound Designer the person who operates the sound system during a performance

Одговорен за звук

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