Declaration The Declaration is the general expression of a political line, but is not legally binding. It is used frequently in connection with the common foreign and security policy (CFSP) | Декларација |
Аpproximation Principle of European Community law, meaning the shaping of national rules in a comparable way throughout the European Union in order to meet common objectives. | Приближување (усогласување) на законодавството |
Commissioner The European Commission is composed of 25 independent members, each responsible for specific policy areas and assisted by an administration. | Комесар |
Enlargement The European Union currently has 27 Member States. In addition to the first six Member States, — 21 countries have acceded to the | (процес на) Проширување |
Screening Screening, or analytical examination of the acquis, is the stage preparatory to accession negotiations. | Прегледување / анализа на поглавјата/ скрининг |
Governance The debate on European governance, concerns all the rules, procedures and practices affecting how powers are exercised within the European Union. | Управување |
Fingerprints The Commission has launched a database called Eurodac to store fingerprints of asylum-seekers, in order to help Member States to determine whether a person has previously applied for asylum status in another Member State | Отпечатоци од прсти (се однесува на политика на азил и миграција и нејзините инструмент |
College The Commission is composed of a college of "Commissioners", 27 members in all, including the President and vice-presidents. | Колегиум |
President of the European Commission The Treaty establishing the European Community provides that the Council, meeting in the composition of Heads of State or Government and acting by a qualified majority, shall nominate the person it intends to appoint as President of the Commission and that the nomination shall be approved by the European Parliament | Претседател на Европската Комисија |
Transparency (access to documents) EC Treaty gives any citizen of the Union, the right of access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents. | Транспарентност (пристап до документи) |
Appointment The President of the Commission is first nominated by the European Council; that nominee is then officially elected by the European Parliament. | Номинирање (фаза пред избор од страна на ЕП) |
Organisation The Commission is primarily based in Brussels, with the President's office. The Commission also operates out of numerous other buildings in Brussels and Luxembourg. | Организација (структура) |
Commission The European Commission (formally the Commission of the European Communities) is the executive branch of the European Union. The body is responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the Union's treaties and the general day-to-day running of the Union. | Комисијата (секогаш членувано доколку не се споменува Европска) |
Competition The European Commission and the national competition authorities enforce the Community competition rules. Cooperation between them, within the European Competition Network (ECN), ensures effective and consistent application of the rules | Конкурентност |
Admission Specific requirements must be met by third-country nationals seeking to enter the EU. The Commission’s 2000 communication on immigration policy proposes a common legal framework for the conditions of admission of third-country nationals. | Прием |
Directorate-General The European Comission is composed of 27 Comissioners, each with their own administration headed by Director-Generals | Генерален директорат (во мкд жаргон „ди-џи“) |
common approach A unifying move in the EU; a key concept in the EU’s campaign against organised cross-border crime. | Заеднички пристап |
Candidate countries Candidate country status is conferred by the European Council on the basis of an opinion from the European Commission, drawn up following an application for membership by the country concerned. | земји – кандидати (за членство) |
Qualified majority A qualified majority (QM) is the number of votes required in the Council for a decision to be adopted when issues are being debated on the basis of Article 205(2) of the EC Treaty. | Квалификувано мнозинство |
Right of initiative The right to propose legislation. In justice and home affairs, this right is currently shared between the Member States and the European Commission. | Право на иницијатива |
Scoreboard A bi-annual European Commission communication to the Council and the European Parliament which spells out the respective responsibilities of all institutions and Member States to develop the European Union into an area of freedom, security and justice. | Табеларен преглед на... |
Accession negotiations Accession negotiations are vital for monitoring and helping candidate countries to prepare for accession and for assessing how ready they are | Преговори за пристапување |
Enforcement Once legislation is passed by the Council and Parliament, it is the Commission's responsibility to ensure it is implemented. | Влегување во сила ( на даден акт) |
Annex An extra section of a document | Анекс, договор |
Petition A written document signed by a large number of people that asks sb in a position of authority to do or change sth. | Петиција, барање |
Quorum The number of members whose presence is necessary to constitute a quorum shall be equal to a majority of the number of Members specified in the treaty. | Мнозинство, кворум |
13. Катерина Стојменовска - CRIMINAL LAW
Accomplice 1. a partner in a crime 2. a person who knowingly and voluntary participates with another in a criminal activity | Sou~esnik |
Aid and abet (idiom) To help sb to do sth illegal or wrong | Pomagawe vo krivi~no delo |
Alibi A defence claim that the accused was somewhere else at the time a crime was committed | Alibi |
Bail A sum of money guaranteed by somebody on behalf of a person who has been charged with a crime so that he/she can go free until the time of the trial | Kaucija |
The crime of attacking sb physically | Fizi~ki napad so telesni povredi |
Convict A person who has been found guilty of a crime and sent to prison | Osudenik |
Crime An illegal act or activity that can be punished by law | Zlodelo, zlostorstvo, kriminal |
Defendant The person who is accused of committing a crime, or who is being sued by another person | Obvinet |
Embezzlement Stealing money that you are responsible for or that belongs to your employer | Pronevera, nezakonsko prisvojuvawe |
Felony A serious crime such as murder | Тe{ko krivi~no delo, зlostorstvo, |
Fine An amount of money that has to be paid as a punishment for not obeying a rule or law | Pari~na kazna |
Fraud The crime of deceiving sb in order to get money or goods illegally | Izmama |
House arrest Measure by which a person is confined to his/her residence. Travel is usually restricted, if allowed at all (syn. home confinement, home detention) | Doma{en pritvor |
Indictment 1. a written statement accusing sb of a crime 2. the act of officially accusing sb of a crime (syn. complaint) | Obvinenie |
Jurisdiction The authority given to a legal body, or to a political leader (Prime Minister, President…) to deal with legal matters and to pronounce or enforce legal matters | Sudska nadle`nost, jurisdikcija |
Manslaughter The crime of killing sb but not deliberately | Ubistvo (во олеснителни околности) |
Misdemeanour A crime that is not considered to be very serious (e.g. traffic violation) | Prekr{ok |
Negligence The failure to give sb/sth enough care or attention | Nebre`nost, nemarnost, nesovesnost |
Offence An illegal act, a violation of the law | Krivi~no delo |
Parole When a prisoner is released before their period in prison is finished, with the agreement that they will behave well | Uslovno pu{tawe na sloboda |
Plaintiff A person who makes a formal complaint against sb in a court of law | Tu`itel |
Prosecution 1. the process of trying to prove in a court of law that sb is guilty of a crime 2. (the prosecution) a person or an organization that prosecutes sb in a court of law, together with the lawyers etc. | Sudsko gonewe; obvinitelstvo |
Remand The process of keeping sb in prison while they are waiting for their trial (syn. custody) | Pritvor |
Robbery A theft by force (using violence or threats) | Grabe`, oru`ena kra`ba |
Suspect A person who is suspected of a crime | Osomni~en |
Theft The crime of stealing sth from a person or a place | Kra`ba |
Trespass Unlawful entry onto the real property of another | Bespravno vleguvawe na tu| imot |
Trial A formal examination of evidence in a court of law by a judge and a jury to decide if sb accused of a crime is guilty or not | Sudewe |
14. Кристина Ивановска - FIELD GROWING
Agriculture (the science, art, or occupation concerned with cultivating land, raising crops, and feeding, breeding, and raising livestock) | Земјоделство |
Agronomy (the science of soil management and the production of field crops) | Агрономија |
Farming (the business of operating a farm or the practice of cultivating the land and raising stock) | Земјоделие (практични земјоделски методи) |
Crop (the cultivated produce of the ground, while growing or when gathered) | Земјоделска култура, род, принос |
Hectare (a unit of surface, or land, measure equal to 100 acres, or 10,000 square meters) | Хектар |
Farmstead (a farm together with its buildings) | Фарма |
Grain silo (a structure, typically cylindrical, in which fodder or forage is kept; a pit or underground space for storing grain, green feeds, etc.) | Силос |
Barn (a building for storing hay, grain, etc., and often for housing livestock) | Амбар, штала |
Fertilizer (any substance used to fertilize the soil, esp. a commercial or chemical manure) | Вештачко ѓубриво |
Pesticide (a chemical preparation for destroying plant, fungal, or animal pests)*herbicide-for the control of weeds and other plants;*insecticide-for the control of insects;*fungicide-for the control of fungi;*nematocide-for the control of parasitic forms;*rodenticide-for the control of rodents. | Пестицид *хербицид *инсектицид *фунгицид *нематоцид *родентоцид |
Тractor (traction machines that provide mechanical, hydraulic, and\or electrical power to implements to perform a wide range of crop production and handling operations) | Трактор |
Planter (implements used to plant row crops) | 1)Плантажер, 2)Садилка, сеалка |
Combine (a harvesting machine for cutting and threshing grain in the field) | Комбајн |
Plant breeding (the production of new forms by selection) | Размножување на култури |
Hybridization (to form a double-stranded nucleic acid of two single strands of DNA or RNA, or one of each, by allowing the base pairs of the separate strands to form complementary bonds) | Вкрстување |
Gene manipulation (the act of manipulating with genes) | Промена на гени |
GMO (Genetically modified organism) | Генетски модифициран организам |
Planting (· To place or set (seeds, for example) in the ground to grow. · To place seeds or young plants in (land); sow: plant a field in corn.) | Садење, сеење |
Irrigation (the artificial application of water to land to assist in the production of crops) | Наводнување |
Drainage (the drainage of fluids) | Одводнување/исушување |
Harvest (the season when ripened crops are gathered) | Жетва, Берба |
Storage (The act of storing goods) | Складирање |
Tillage (Cultivation of land) | Орање |
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) | ФАО - Светска програма за храна при ООН |
Flowering (A plant that is cultivated or appreciated for its blossoms) | Цветање |
Germ (The earliest form of an organism; a seed, bud, or spore) | Семе |
Field growing (growing field crops) | Полјоделство |
Fruit growing (growing fruits) | Овоштарство |
Grape growing (growing grape) | Лозарство |
Animal breeding (raising animals) | Сточарство |
Grain(cereal)crops | Житни култури |
Vegetable crops | Градинарски култури |
Forage crops | Фуражни култури |
Industrial crops | Индустриски култури |
Horticulture (the cultivation of a garden, orchard, or nursery; the cultivation of flowers) | Хортикултура |
Barley | Јачмен |
Rice | Ориз |
Wheat | Пченица |
Oats | Овес |
Corn | Пченка |
Millet | Просо |
Tomato | Домат |
Pepper | Пиперка |
Cabbage | Зелка |
Carrot | Морков |
Celery | Целер |
Garlic | Лук |
Onion | Кромид |
Peas | Грав |
Melons | Диња, лубеница |
Broccoli | Брокула |
Spinach | Спанаќ |
Alfalfa | Луцерка |
Clover | Детелина |
Cotton | Памук |
Flax | Лен |
Tobacco | Тутун |
Sesame | Сусам |
Poppy | Афион |
15. Љуба Атанасовска - SOIL POLLUTION
| English | Macedonian |
1. | Soil The top layer of the earth in which plants,trees etc.are grown | Почва |
2. | Pollution The process of making air,soil,water dirty | Загадување |
3. | Contaminate To make a substance or a place dirty or no longer pure by adding a substance that is dangerous or carris disease | Загадува |
4. | Toxin A poisonous substance | Отров |
5. | Тоxicity The extent to which something is poisonous | Отровност |
6. | Percolate To move gradually through a surface that has a very small holes or space in it | 1.Протекува 2.Се филтрира 3.Продира 4.Се процедува |
7. | Leach To be removed from soil by water passing through it | 1.Се цеди, се процедува 2.Се филтрира |
8. | Vaporize To turn into gass | Испарува |
9. | Pesticide A chemical used for killing pests,especially insects | Пестицид |
10. | Intoxicaion A state when a person is under the influence of toxin,drug or alchol | Труење |
11. | Residue An amount of something that remains at the end of the process | Tалог,остаток |
12. | Chlorinate To put chlorine in something,especially in water | Хлорира, Дезинфицира со хлор |
13. | Fertilizer A substance added to soil to make plants grow more successfully | Вештачко ѓубриво |
14. | Stratum/Strata A layer or set of rocks,earth etc. | Слој,пласт |
15. | Landfill An area of land where large amounts of waste material are buried under the earth | Депонија |
16. | Waste Material that is no longer needed and is thrown away | Отпад |
17. | Solvent A substance especially a liquid that can dissolve another substance | Растворувач |
18. | Smeltery/Smelter A place where metals are melted | Топилница |
19. | Refinery A factory where a substances such as oil is refined (made pure) | Рафинерија |
20. | Chromium A chemical element, hard, gray metal that is often used to cover other metals in order tо prevent them from rusting | Хром |
21. | Mercury A poisonous,silver,white,liquid metal used in thermometres | Жива |
22. | Breezeblock A light building block made of sand,coal ashes and cement | Лесен градежен блок (од цемент и згура) |
23. | Lead A chemical element,heavy,gray metal used in the past for water pipes or to cover roofs | Олово |
24. | Оbsolete pesticide A pesticide no longer in use because something new has been invented | Застрен,стар пестицид (што не е веќе во употреба) |
25. | Аnomaly A thing,situation that is different from what is normal or expected | Аномалија, мана |
26. Manure | | Шталско ѓубриво |
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