- Александар Ристов – CATTLE BREEDING
1) Animal husbandry n. an aspect of agriculture concerned with the care and breeding of domestic animals such as cattle, goats, sheep, hogs and horses (also, cattle breeding) | Сточарство |
2) Veterinary / veterinary surgeon n. a physician for animals and a practitioner of veterinary medicine | Ветеринар |
3) Swineherd n. a person who looks after pigs | Свињар |
4) Cowboy (vaqueros) n. an animal herder who tends cattle on ranches in | Кравар, говедар |
5) Milker n. a person or thing that milks / a cow or other animal that gives milk | Молзач / молзница |
6) Castration n. to remove the testes of; emasculate; geld | Кастрација, скопување |
7) Genetic engineering n. Scientific alteration of the structure of genetic material in a living organism | Генетски инженеринг/ генетско инжерство |
8) Domesticate v. to convert (animals, plants, etc.) to domestic uses; tame | Припитомува, удомува |
9) Livestock n. the horses, cattle, sheep, and other useful animals kept on a farm or ranch | Добиток, жива стока |
10) Pedigree n. a genealogical table, chart, list, or record, esp. of a purebred animal | Педигре, род, потекло |
11) Zoonosis n. any disease of animals communicable to humans | Зооноза (која било заразна болест пренесена од животни) |
12) Poxes n. A disease such as chickenpox or smallpox, characterized by purulent skin eruptions that may leave pockmarks | Сипаници |
13) Influenza n. Any of various viral infections of domestic animals characterized generally by fever and respiratory involvement | Грип, инфлуенца |
14) Farm n. a tract of land, usually with a house, barn, silo, etc., on which crops and often livestock are raised for livelihood | Фарма |
15) Flock n. a number of animals of one kind, esp. sheep, goats, or birds that keep or feed together or are herded together | Стадо, јато |
16) Cattle n. bovine animals, esp. domesticated members of the genus Bos | Стока, говеда, крупен роглест добиток |
17) Captivity n. the keeping of either domesticated animals (livestock and pets) or wild animals | Чување (животни) во затворен простор, пленство |
18) Carnivore n. any animal with a diet consisting mainly of meat, whether it comes from animals living (predation) or dead (scavenging) | Месојадец (месојадни животни) |
19) Offspring n. the product of reproduction, a new organism produced by one or more parents | Плод, младо, поколение, производ |
20) Pets n. animals kept for companionship and enjoyment or a house held animal | Домашни миленици |
21) Artificial insemination n. technique involving the artificial injection of sperm-containing semen from a male into a female to cause pregnancy | Вештачко оплодување |
22) Stud n. a male animal employed for breeding | Мажјак за приплод |
23) Mutation n. a sudden, random change in a gene, or unit of hereditary material, that can alter an inheritable characteristic | Мутација, менување |
24) Embryo transfer n. a step in the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF) whereby one or several embryos are placed into the uterus of the female with the intent to establish a pregnancy | Трансфер на ембриони |
25) Barn n. an agricultural building used for storage and as a covered workplace | Штала, плевна, амбар, коњушница |
- Александра Ивановска – CELL PHONE TECHNOLOGY
1 | Baterry /n. – a device that is placed inside a cell phone (or clock, radio) and that produce the electricity that makes it works| | Батерија |
2 | Bluetooth /n. – a radio technology that makes it posible for cellphones and other electronic devices to be linked over short distances, without needing to be connected by wires | Безжично поврзување на мобилните телефони на кратки растојанија Блутут |
3 | Camera /n. – a piece of equipment for taking photographs or making videos | Камера |
4 | Cell phone /n. – also mobile phone, telephone that does not have wires and works by radio, that you can carry with you and use anywhere | Мобилен телефон |
5 | Charger /n. - a piece of equipment for loading a baterry with electricity | Полнач |
6 | Display /n. – the words, pictures etc. shown on a mobile or computer screen | Екран, монитор |
7 | Gateway /n. - Device that connects two different kinds of networks and performs the translations required for them to communicate with each other | Мрежен уред |
8 | GPS /n. (abbreviation for Global Positioning System) - a system by which signals are sent from satellites to a special device (cellphone), used to show the position of a person or thing on the surface of the earth | Глобален систем за позиционирање |
9 | GSM /n. (abbreviation for Global System/Standard for Mobile Communication(s) ) - an international system for digital communication by mobile phone / cellphone | Систем за мобилна комуникација |
10 | Headphones / n. [pl.] a piece of equipment worn over or in the ears that makes it possible to listen to music, the radio, etc. without other people hearing it | Слушалки |
11 | Internet Telephony Service Provider / n. (abbreviation ITSP) - Company that offers its customers the ability to make phone calls over the public Internet | Доставувач на телефонски интернет услуги |
12 | Local Exchange Service / n. – local phone calls | Локални разговори |
13 | Memory card /n. – a card that can be put into a computer or cellphone to give it more memory of the kind that does not lose data when the power is lost | Мемориска картичка |
14 | MMS / n.(abbreviation for Multimedia Messaging Service) - a system for sending colour pictures and sounds from one cellphone to another | Мултимедијални пораки |
15 | PIN / n. (abbreviation for Personal Identification Number) Personal unique security codes that callers use to access their accounts | ПИН (личен код за идентификација) |
16 | Рadio wave /n. - low-energy electromagnetic wave, especially when used for long-distance communication | Радио бран |
17 | Residential Customer / n. - An individual (non-business) telephone system subscriber | Претплатник |
18 | SIM card /n. (abbreviation for Subscriber Identification Module) - a plastic card inside a mobile phone / cellphone that stores personal information about the person using the phone | Картичка за препознавање на корисникот/ SIM картичка |
19 | SMS /n. (abbreviation for Short Message Service) - a system for sending short written messages from one mobile phone / cellphone to another | Кратка текстуална порака |
20 | Speed dialing /v. - A service to abbreviate and accelerate frequently dialed numbers | Брзо бирање |
21 | Telco /n. ( abbreviation for Telephone Company) - The local or regional telephone company that owns and operates lines to customer locations | Телекомуникациско претпријатие |
22 | Toll /n. - a charge for a telephone call that is calculated at a higher rate than a local call | Цена на меѓуградски телефонски разговор |
23 | Тransmit /v. - (sth) (from … ) (to … ) to send an electronic signal, radio or television broadcast, etc. | Емитува |
24 | USB Cable /n. (abbreviation for Universal Serial Bus) - the system and the cable for connecting other pieces of equipment (cellphone) to a computer | Кабел за поврзување на мобилен телефон со компјутер/USB кабел |
25 | Voice mail / n. - An automatic answering service with the ability to record a message, so that sb can listen to them later | Гласовна пошта (или Говорно сандаче) |
26 | WAP /n. (abbreviation for Wireless Application Protocol) - a technology that links devices such as mobile phones / cellphones to the Internet. | Технологија што овозможува поврзување на мобилните телефони со интернетот |
3. Ана Марија Митевска – Tax System
| | |
| Amortization The write-off of an amount spent for certain capital assets, similar to depreciation. | amortizacija |
| Annuity Purchased by an individual for investment and retirement purposes, this investment product is paid periodically and includes the return of invested capital plus the income generated by it. | godi{en prihod, isplata/ anuitet |
| Average tax rate The proportional of total income paid in tax. The term is sometimes defined more narrowly as the proportion of income paid in income tax. | prose~na dano~na stapka |
| Consumption rate Quantity of good or service consumed in a given period and expressed in a suitable unit of measurement. | stapka na potro{uva~ka |
| Dividend A taxable share of the profits of a corporation that is distributed to shareholders. | udel vo dobitok/ dividenda |
| Estate tax Charge assessed on property's fair market value and payable after the owner's death. Also called inheritance tax. | danok na nasleden imot |
| Exemption Amount that can be legally deducted from a gross income to arrive at the taxable income. | izzemawe od danok ili taksa/dano~no izzemawe |
| Franchise tax Fee levied on a firm for the right to exist as a legal entity and do business in a particular jurisdiction. | dano~no ovlastuvawe |
| Gross income Your total taxable worldwide income of a taxpayer before subtracting any allowable deductions | bruto prihod |
| Input tax Indirect tax, levied on capital goods, raw materials, spare parts, services etc., which a business consumes or uses in its operations. | danok na vlog |
| Marginal tax rate Tax paid on an additional unit of income. In the progressive tax regimen the marginal tax rate increases as the income rises and the highest income bracket attracts the highest marginal tax rate. | marginalna dano~na stapka |
| Personal income tax/Payroll tax Tax paid on one's personal income as distinct from the tax paid on the firm's earnings. | danok na li~en dohod |
| Property tax Tax imposed on the market value of real and personal property such as boats, cars, buildings, land, etc. | danok na imot |
| Sales tax Tax levied on sale of goods or services. It is a cost and involves double taxation. | danok na promet |
| Stamp tax Tax levied on certain legal transactions such as the transfer of a property. Documents evidencing such transactions are recorded and become legally enforceable only if they are stamped to show that the proper amount of tax has been paid. Also called stamp duty. | taksena marka |
| Subsidy Economic benefit (such as a tax allowance or duty rebate) or financial aid (such as a cash grant or soft loan) provided by a government to support a desirable activity , maintain the income of the producers of critical or strategic products, maintain employment levels, or induce investment to reduce unemployment. | pari~na pomo{/ subvencija |
| Tax abatement Reduction of or exemption from taxes granted by a government for a specified period, usually to encourage certain activities such as investment in capital equipment. | dano~no namaluvawe / sni`uvawe |
| Tax audit Type of forensic audit, performed by the government appointed auditors, to determine if the appropriate taxes were paid in full by the entity being audited. | dano~na revizija |
| Tax break Anything that reduces the amount of total tax that an individual or business must pay. | dano~no olesnuvawe |
| Tax burden The amount paid in tax plus any costs incurred by the tax payer in calculating this amount. | dano~no optovaruvawe |
| Tax- deductible An item or expense subtracted from adjusted gross income to reduce the amount of income subject to tax. | neodano~liv |
| Taxpayer Entity that must pay a certain tax. | dano~en obvrznik |
| Tax rate Tax liability stated as a percentage of the taxable income, or in terms of a unit of the tax base. | dano~na stapka |
| Tax shifting Transferring some or all of a tax burden of an entity (such as a subsidiary) to another (such as the parent firm). | Dano~no premestuvawe |
| Unitary tax system (UNT) Corporate income-tax based on the worldwide taxable income of a multinational corporation. UTS is designed to counter the transfer pricing mechanisms by which corporations shift taxable income to subsidiaries located in more favourable tax environments. | edinstven dano~en sistem |
| Value added tax (VAT) Indirect tax on the domestic consumption of goods and services, except those that are zero-rated (such as food and essential drugs) or are otherwise exempt (such as exports). It is levied at each stage in the chain of production and distribution | danok na dodadena vrednost (DDV) |
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