Saturday, January 10, 2009

Глосари од предметот подготовка за преведување и толкување_зимски семестар 2008

25. Татјана Галева - POULTRY FARMING


is the category of domesticated birds which some people keep for the purpose of collecting their eggs, or kill for their meat or feathers.

- @ivina

- Doma{ni ptici


An area of land and its buildings used for growing crops and rearing animals.

A farmhouse.

- Farma

- Selsko


Animal husbandry

Animal husbandry, also called animal science, or stockbreeding or simple husbandry, is the agricultural practice of breedeng and raising livestock.

- Sto~arstvo


is any substance, usually composed primarily of carbohydrates, fats, water and proteins, that can be eaten or drunk by an animal or human for nutrition or pleasure.

- Hrana

- Ishrana

- Jadewe

Free range

is a method of farming husbandry where animals are allowed to roam freely instead of being contained in any manner.

- Метод на сlobodno


(za dvi`ewe na


Ethical consumerism

is bying products and services that are made ethically. This may mean with minimal harm to or exploitation of humans, animals and natural environment.

- Eti~ki



Generativeness, creativeness, fruitfulness, prolificness, state of accomplishing a large amount of work.

- Produktivnost


A place, esp. including buildings, where a particular activity happens.

- Sredstvo

- Opremena

gradba (naj~esto


- капацитет


is the practice of providing the poultry with a fenced yard in addition to a poultry house.

A separate method of poultry culture by which chickens and cows are raised together.

- Obezbeduvawe na


soodveten prostor

za odgleduvawe



A box made of wood with a wire front where small animals such as rabbits are kept.

- Kutija

- Kafez (za sitni



A cage where small animals are kept, especially chickens.

- Koko{arnik

- Kafez


An organism that lives by preying on other organisms.

One that victimizes, plunders, or destroys, especially for one’s own gain.

- Predator

- Grablivec


An adult female chicken which is often kept for its eggs, or the female of any bird.

- Koko{ka

- @enka (ptica)


The young of certain animals, especially a group of young birds or fowl hatched at one time and cared for by the same mother.

- Potomstvo

- Mladen~iwa


- Da se opili



A young (tender) chicken suitable for roasting or grilling.

- Brojler - пoseben

vid na mlada,

ne`na koko{ka

soodvetna za



To put to use, especially to find a profitable or practical use for.

- Koristewe

- Upotreba


Any of various chemicals made by living cells which influence the development, growth, sex, etc. of an animal and are carried around the body in the blood.

- Hormon


One of a variety of chemical substances that is produced in the body.

An artificial form of a natural chemical substance which is used for treating particular medical conditions: ex. I am on steroids for my asthma.

A drug which increases the development of your muscles, sometimes taken illegally by people taking part in sports competitions.

- Steroid


The action of producing or the process of being produced.

The amount of something produced.

- Proizvodstvo,




Land covered with grass, suitable for grazing cattle or sheep.

Grass growing on such land.

- Pasi{te

- Zelena povr{ina


(v) to go from place to place searhing, especially for food.

(n). food grown for horses and farm animals.

- Vo potraga e (po


-Sto~na hrana


(the total amount gathered of) a plant such as a grain, fruit or vegetable grown in large amounts.

- Prinos

- @etva


The action or a method of draining.

- Isu{uvawe (na


Animal welfare

Animal welfare refers to the viewpoint that it is morally acceptable for humans to use nonhuman animals for food, in animal research, as clothing, and in entertainment, so long as unnecessary suffering is avoided.

- Blagosostojba na



A person who buys a product or service for personal use.



The thin, hard, fragile outer layer of a bird’s egg.

- Lu{pa od jajce


A soft silvery-white metallic chemical element found in bones, teeth, limestone, and chalk.

- Kalcium

26. Трајанка Камчевска - TRADE




-the willing exchange of goods, services or both; buying and selling conducted between nations etc, business conducted for profit.



-the original form of trade; direct exchange (of goods and services) without using money.

Razmena, trampa

Bilateral trade

-trade between two traders

(multilateral-more than two traders)

Bilateralna trgovija

(multilateralna trgovija)


-state of being declared in law unable to pay debts.


Bonded goods

-stocks prohibited by customs

Stoka pod carinska zabrana

Branch office/subsidiary

-a local division or office of a large business.



1) a reduction in price for a certain group of people;

2) the right to use land or other property;

3) the right to sell goods, especially in a particular territory.



-financial transactions, especially the buying and selling of goods, on a large scale.


Chamber of Commerce

-the official legislative body for trade.

Trgovska komora


1) the money in general use in a country

2) any other commodity used as money.

Valuta, plate`no sredstvo


-the extent by which a country’s imports exceed its exports.



-the reduction of the value of money.



-a sum of money paid by a company to shareholders.



a written order for money to be paid by a bank, especially to another bank

Menica, nalog za isplata


1) an order of a state forbidding foreign ships to enter, or any ships to leave its ports;

2) an official suspension of commerce or other activity.



1) a large shop selling a wide variety of goods;

2) a centre of commerce, a market.

Trgovski centar, pazari{te


-Gross Domestic Product


-Bruto doma{en proizvod


-a medieval association of craftsmen or merchants.

Esnaf, zdru`enie


1) a payment or concession to stimulate greater output by workers;

2) a motif or incitement, especially to action.

Vladini merki za pottik na razvojot na nekoja oblast


-a general increase in prices; an increase in available currency regarded as causing this.

Opp. deflation



1) a wholesale trader, especially with foreign countries;

2) a retail trader;

3) a man who exports and/or imports goods.



n. goods for sale;

v. trade, traffic, promote the sale of

Trgovska stoka

Money order

- an order for payment of a specified sum, issued by a bank or Post Office.

Uplatnica, doznaka, nalog za plakawe, platen nalog


-the exclusive possession or control of the sale.



-interchange, equal commercial rights mutually enjoyed.

-The GATT/WTO principle that countries will exchange comparable concessions in negotiations.



-a temporary decline in economic activity or prosperity.



-the sale of goods in relatively small quantities to the public.

Trgovija na malo

Slave trade

-the procuring, transporting and selling of human beings as slaves.

Trgovija so robje

Stock exchange

-a place where stocks and shares are bought and sold.



-a sum of money granted by the government or a public body etc, to keep down the price of commodities.



-a list of goods with the duties to be paid.

Tarifa, lista

Trade balance

-the difference in value between imports and exports.


Trades Union/Labour Union

-an organized association of workers in a trade, group of trades, formed to protect and further their rights and interests.



-the selling of goods in large quantities to be retailed by others.

Trgovija na golemo

27. Вангелица Ангеловска - TYPES OF GOVERNMENT


- a country that is governed by a president and politicians elected by the people and where there is no king or queen



- A country that is ruled or headed by a monarch (king or queen)


Country = state

- the territory of a nation or state considered as an organised political community controlled by one government


President = consul

- the head of state, а leader of the republic

Претседател на држава

Prime Minister = Premier

= Chancellor

- the main minister and leader of the government in some countries

Претседател на Влада,



- a senior member of the government who is in charge of a government department or a branch of one



- a person who rules a country or an empire, for example a king or a queen

Монарх, владетел


- the group of people who are responsible for controlling a state region or а country

Влада, oblik na upravuvawe,


Assembly, Parliament

- a group of people who have been elected to meet together regularly and make decisions or laws for a particular

Парламент, собрание

Constitutional Republic

- a state where the head of state and other officials are elected as representatives of the people and the head(s) of state and other officials are chosen by election, rather than inheriting their positions

Уставна република

Democratic Republic

- tends to be used by countries who have a particular desire to emphasize their claim to be democratic; these are typically Communist states or ex-colonies

Демократска република

Federal republic = Confederation = Federation

- a federal union of states or provinces with a republican form of government; the head of the state is not a single person but a committee (council) of several persons

Сојузна република,


Parliamentary Republic

- a republic with a parliament and an elected head of state, who is not the same person as the head of government

Парламентарна република


- a system of government in which all the people of a country can vote to elect their representatives



- an officially elected group of people who have the responsibility and power to make and change laws in a country

Законодавно тело, законодавец


- a group of people who are chosen, usually by a larger group, to make decisions or to deal with a particular subject, such as investigating, considering, reporting, or acting on a matter

Koмитет, Одбор


- to relinquish formally a high office; to resign from a position

Oдрекување од престолот, абдикација


- the authority to do sth., given to a government or other organization by the people who vote for it in an election

Мандат, овластување


- the process of choosing a person or a group of people


Executive Power

- the branch of government responsible for putting country’s laws into effect

Извршна власт


- freedom from political control by other countries


Declaration of Independence

- an official announcement or statement, especially about the independent plans of a government or an organization

Декларација за Независност


- a person who has the legal right to belong to a particular country or nation

Државјанин, граѓанин

Absolute monarchy

- a monarchical form of government where the king or queen has absolute power over everything

Aпсолутистичка монархија

Constitutional monarchy

- a monarchical form of government where either an elected or hereditary monarch is the head of state, unlike in an absolute monarchy, wherein the king or the queen is the sole source of political power

Уставна монархија

28. Венера Далипи - PRIMARY EDUCATION

Compulsory education

-is education which children are required by law to receive and governments to provide.

Zadol`itelno obrazovanie

Middle school

-serves as a “bridge” between Elementary school and the High school.

(Vo Britanija) osnovno u~ili{te za deca na vozrast me|u devet i trinaeset godini.

(Vo SAD) osnovno u~ili{te za deca na vozrast me|u edinaeset i ~etirinaeset godini.


-is considered to be the ability to read and write,or the ability to use language to read,write,listen and speak.



-is a portmanteau of “numerical literacy”, and refers to an ability to reason with numbers and other mathematical concepts.

Pismenost so upotreba na broevi


-is an institution designed to allow and encourage pupils to learn,under the supervision of teachers.



-is one who helps pupils often in a school, as well as in a family, religious or community setting.He is acknowledged guide or helper in processes of learning.

1. U~itel, nastavnik (vo osmoletka)

2. Profesor (vo gimnazija, na fakultet)


-is the art or science of being teacher.The term generally refers to strategies of instruction,or a style of instruction.


Primary school

-is an institution where children receive the first stage of compulsory education known as primary or elementary education.

Osnovno u~ili{te

Physical education

-is a course that utilizes learning in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains in a play or movement exploration setting.

Fizi~ko obrazovanie


- is a learner who is enrolled in an educational institution.


Special schools

-are for children who have a particular special educational need-for example, a physical disability-which can not be provided for in an ordinary ordinary school. Each special school has its own age limits.

Specijalnlni u~ili{ta ( za mentalno hendikepirani u~enici)

Infants school

-schools for children aged from four to eight years.

(Vo Velika Britanija) u~ili{te za u~enici na vozrast me|u ~etiri I osum godini.

Junior schools

-schools for children aged from seven to eleven years.

(Vo Velika Britanija) u~ili{te za u~enici na vozrast od sedum do edinaeset godini.

Nursery classes

-these are classes for children aged between three and five years old and are attached to a primary or infant schools. The classes are run and managed as part of the school, but pupils attending them are not on the roll of the main school.

Pret{kolski ~asovi, predavawa, za deca od tri do pet godi{na vozrast.


-is a room in a school where lessons take place.

U~ilnica, predavalna

Collaborative learning or cooperative learning

-an instructional approach in which pupils of varying abilities and interests work together in small groups to solve a problem or achieve a common goal.

Zaedni~ko u~ewe

Informal knowledge

-knowledge about a topic that children learn through experience outside of the classroom.

Neformalno, sekojdnevno znaewe

Educational psychologist

-a person who has had a special training to help to find out why some children are having more difficulties in school than others.


Learning difficulties

-this refers to children who are having particular difficulties with some or many areas of their learning in school.

Te{kotii vo u~eweto


-is the ability to read a text accurately, quickly and with proper expression and comprehension.

1. Fluentnost na govor

2. Lesnotija vo izrazuvawe


-integration of children with special educational needs into the normal school system.

Integrirawe na retardirani deca vo redovni u~ili{ta

Team teaching

-a system whereby two or more teachers pool their skills, knowledge etc. to jointly develop, plan and teach combined classes.

Timsko predavawe

School uniform

-is common in primary and secondary school.It is the most widely known form of pupil or student uniform.

[kolska uniforma

Summative assessment

-an evaluation undertaken at the conclusion of an activity or learning event to determine the effectiveness on pupil learning.

Ocenuvawe na znaewe

Co-educational school

-is one which is attended by both female and male pupils.

Me{ano u~ili{te

( mom~iwa i devoj~iwa)


-a document that signifies a qualification has been awarded.

Svidetelstvo, diploma

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